luolasrapor Admin replied

335 weeks ago

Legends Of The Superheroes Movie In Hindi Hd Free Download

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646f9e108c The adventures of many of DC Comics greatest superheroes and villains. In the first episode, The Challenge, the superheroes must race against time to stop the diabolical supervillians' plot to destroy the world. In the second episode, The Roast, the superheroes pay tribute to Batman and Robin in the form of a roast which even the villains attend.
A teamup of some of DC Comics' greatest superheroes together, for 2 specials: a race to stop the united supervillains' plot to destroy the earth, then later a roast in tribute to all of the heroes hosted by Ed McMahon.
Since I WAS 6 YEARS old, I have been a comics and superhero buff. I saw this TV show when I was 11 years old. I have been looking ever since! I was too young to commit to memory any of the actors names. Recently, I saw an old photo of Frank Gorshin. That photo sparked a memory that HE was in fact in this production. That memory led me to this discovery!!! You can't imagine my delight in FINALLY reaching this point. My siblings were too young to remember seeing this. My parents said maybe I imagined this because of all my other comic/movie collector paraphernalia. I will soon GLADLY purchase a copy of this for my collection. One way or another, this will be mine… ;o)
You can't imagine how relieved I feel to know that I'm in good company with others who have seen this before. Like one other person indicated, I was beginning to think I dreamed this up. I've always been into comics so when I talk to people today (who claim to be even more into them)about these episodes, they say they never heard of them.<br/><br/>I remember seeing them when I was about 7 years old and thought they were extremely funny and entertaining. That's why I can't understand why some of the other reviews are so critical. Isn't this show SUPPOSED to be campy and cheesy? I find it amazing that so many people who crave the substantial often times don't know where to look for it. And to add insult to injury, they look for it in places it OBVIOUSLY can't be found. C'mon guys, I got the humor when I was 7!! Lighten up a bit.<br/><br/>I've recently ordered a brand new copy in DVD format off eBay.

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last edited 257 weeks ago by luolasrapor
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