a5c7b9f00b Nighthorse&#39;s problems at the casino escalate. Walt gets an unexpected visitor. An inevitable confrontation leads to lives changed. Walt and Vic does not work. Cadythe Sheriff? Aw come on.<br/><br/>This is a terrible way for the writers to end this great series.<br/><br/>I wish I had not watched it.<br/><br/>I like Henry taking on the casino. I like that Malachi is gone. Nighthorse is in prison. Good! And why would Walt need a cellphone now that he&#39;s retired? IMHO, This episode was poorly done. I think the finale was great! Vic has obviously been in love with Walt in the deepest way. I could always sense her admiration and respect. And he had the same sense of her. How it would happen had to remain unrevealed for many reasons, but I had a hunch the writers would do it the way they did. Cady and Shane, now that is another issue and I don&#39;t get it. Why the paternity papers were burned bothers me, but Vic just didn&#39;t want to know. I hope they are all happy and healthy. I&#39;d love to see them again.
luolasrapor Admin replied
321 weeks ago